Some important info re: all of the trips listed below:

Doug Bookman and two sons-in-law , Dave Cleland, and Mike Brooks (both of them fine men clever enough to marry well above themselves!) organize and lead study trips to Israel as a teaching ministry. There are some ways in which the trips are distinctive, and anyone interested in participating should be aware of those.

1.  First, the study trips are offered on a land-only basis - that is, the cost of the trip does not include airfare to and from Israel; thus, the travelers are responsible to reserve and pay for their air flights on their own. For each trip an arrival date in Israel is announced and travelers are responsible to be in Tel Aviv by that date. Instructions and counsel are offered as to how to get this done, but the arranging of air travel is in fact entirely the responsibility of the travelers.

2. The study trips are very much focused on helping the traveler understand the nexus between the narrative of the Scriptures and the land of Israel - the land which is after all the stage upon which so much of that sacred narrative was played out. The focus throughout the trip is on learning - both the geography of the land and the narrative of the Bible.

3. The trips are more demanding than most - both physically and instructionally.  Travelers should know that these trips are not relaxed or relaxing vacations; they are concentrated and deliberate study experiences which will make significant demands of the students.

4. On the other hand, we do have a lot of fun.